In the past the staff and company have supported the McMillan Cancer Trust coffee morning. This has not been possible this year due to Covid. However I am pleased to announce that at a recent Board meeting the company agreed to make a £1000.00 donation to McMillan Cancer Trust in lieu of the Coffee Morning.

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Latest News

JB Corrie Board of Directors

JB Corrie & Co Ltd are pleased to announce the appointment of three new JB Corrie board members.

Well deserved congratulations to

Jacqui Bissett – Scotland Operations Director (nearest left)

Colin Blank – Petersfield Contracts Director (nearest right)

John Macdonald – Scotland Contracts Director (middle right)

With over 120 years of JB Corrie experience between them, Jacqui, Colin & John join

John Corrie – Chairman (middle left)

Chantelle Wilson – Financial & Operations Managing Director (back left)

Luke Ryan – Commercial Managing Director (back right)

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